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Updated: Oct 11, 2023

Negotiation is not limited to boardrooms and high-stakes deals; it is a skill we utilize in various aspects of our lives. In our Negotiation Skills workshop, participants will gain a comprehensive understanding of different negotiation types, the phases involved, and the essential skills required for successful negotiations.

This workshop empowers participants to develop a profound comprehension of their counterparts and cultivate the confidence to strive for fair outcomes without settling for less. Creating an atmosphere of respect is emphasized, as imbalanced negotiations can lead to future complications.

Key objectives of the Negotiation Skills workshop include:

  • Understanding the fundamental types and phases of negotiations, as well as the skills crucial for successful outcomes.

  • Applying key negotiating concepts such as WATNA, BATNA, WAP, and ZOPA.

  • Establishing a strong foundation for negotiations.

  • Identifying what information should be shared and what should be kept confidential.

  • Mastering basic bargaining techniques.

  • Employing strategies to identify mutually beneficial solutions.

  • Achieving consensus and setting favorable terms of agreement.

  • Effectively managing personal attacks and challenging issues.

  • Utilizing the negotiation process to solve everyday problems.

  • Negotiating on behalf of others with confidence and skill.

By participating in our Negotiation Skills workshop, individuals will acquire the knowledge and expertise needed to navigate negotiations successfully in various scenarios. They will develop the ability to secure favorable outcomes, foster collaborative relationships, and utilize negotiation as a tool for problem-solving and achieving mutual gains.

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