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Marketing plays a pivotal role in the success of every business. It serves as the missing piece of the puzzle that, once in place, unveils the big picture. Our Marketing Basics workshop offers participants an introduction to marketing and highlights its numerous benefits. Without effective marketing, business growth becomes stagnant, hindering overall success.

Marketing Basics equips participants with fundamental knowledge and empowers them to build and expand their businesses. Given the evolving nature of marketing, gaining a fresh perspective will provide participants with valuable insights to make informed marketing decisions. Irrespective of the product or service offered, a comprehensive understanding of marketing will undoubtedly benefit any business.

Workshop Objectives:

• Define the target market for your business.

• Familiarize yourself with various marketing types and their applications.

• Learn effective methods of customer communication.

• Establish marketing goals and strategies.

• Identify common marketing pitfalls and adopt preventive measures.

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