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The notion that leaders are solely born and not made is often heard. While it is true that some individuals possess innate leadership qualities, it is also true that leadership can emerge amidst challenging circumstances. Ordinary individuals who have never held a formal leadership role can step up and take charge when a situation they deeply care about necessitates it. A prime example is parenting, where many individuals discover untapped leadership abilities as they guide and protect their children.

By acquiring the techniques of true Leadership and Influence, you will develop the confidence necessary to assume leadership roles. The more experience you gain in genuine leadership, the more effortless it becomes. Taking the lead is never easy, as it requires making decisions and confronting challenges. However, with practice, it can become a natural and rewarding endeavor.

Workshop Objectives:

• Clearly define the concept of "leadership."

• Explain the Great Man Theory of leadership.

• Discuss the Trait Theory of leadership.

• Understand the principles of Transformational Leadership.

• Recognize the importance of understanding the people you lead and adapting your leadership styles accordingly.

• Explain the leadership approaches of Directing, Participating, and Delegating.

• Explore the insights of Kouzes and Posner on effective leadership.

• Conduct a personal inventory of your own leadership qualities.

• Create an action plan for developing and enhancing leadership skills.

• Establish personal goals for leadership growth.

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