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Communication plays a significant role in our daily lives, whether it's delivering a speech in a boardroom, actively listening to your spouse, or even non-verbal communication with a pet. Every interaction holds meaning. The Communication Strategies workshop is designed to help participants grasp the various communication methods and maximize their effectiveness. These strategies offer substantial benefits for organizations and their employees, creating a positive ripple effect throughout the entire organization.


The workshop aims to achieve the following objectives:

  • Gain a comprehensive understanding of communication.

  • Recognize the diverse channels through which communication can occur.

  • Identify and overcome barriers to effective communication.

  • Enhance non-verbal and paraverbal communication skills.

  • Utilize the STAR method for impromptu speaking situations.

  • Actively and effectively listen to others.

  • Master the art of asking thoughtful questions.

  • Employ appreciative inquiry as a valuable communication tool.

  • Engage in proficient conversations and networking with others.

  • Identify and address factors that can trigger communication issues.

  • Establish common ground and build rapport with others.

  • Utilize "I" messages to express oneself assertively and constructively.

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