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Supply Chain Management plays a critical role in enhancing coordination and fostering strong relationships among suppliers, producers, and customers. In today's global economy, maintaining a high level of organization is crucial for success. The process of assembling goods and services from various parts of the world can be complex and chaotic if not effectively managed.

By implementing Supply Chain Management practices, your company and employees will be well-positioned to reduce costs, enhance efficiency, and elevate customer satisfaction. This comprehensive course will provide your employees with a deep understanding of how Supply Chain Management can benefit and contribute to almost any type of business.


The workshop aims to achieve the following objectives:

  • Explore effective inventory management techniques.

  • Analyze different supply chain groups and their functions.

  • Review tracking and monitoring methods to ensure smooth operations.

  • Examine supply chain event management for proactive problem-solving.

  • Understand the flow of supply chain management and the role of data warehouses.

  • Grasp the various levels of supply chain management and their impact.

  • Recognize how supply chain management relates to customer satisfaction, performance improvement, cost reduction, and product development.

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